Friday, December 5, 2008

Peace on Earth is Possible

Peace on Earth - Can we find time for the sacred in the Christmas mayhem?

Each Christmas season I think I'll start early and be way ahead of the last-minute rush. My mom used to be so good at weaving in sacred traditions with lots of Christmas magic and even though she had a pile of rambunctious kids, grandkids, and out-of-town and in-town relatives all about, things never seemed hectic. Yet, it seems that each year, no matter how much I tell myself that I will simplify things, I find myself with a giant to-do list and just running around like a maniac.

So this year, prompted by an article I read in the World Vision newsletter, I asked myself , "Is what I'm doing drawing me closer or away from God?" If it doesn't draw me closer.. it's gonna be OFF my list. So, here's my list of ONs and OFFs to help bring about a little Peace On Earth. (We saw this mural while dashing about in New York City.)
OFF is trying to buy everyone just the perfect gift. That's a tough one for me 'cause I like people to know that I've been thinking of them and their interests and have really put some effort into getting them just the right thing. But this season isn't about things, is it? So, be forewarned that you're likely to receive a donation in-kind this year. But please don't burst my bubble about all those years when I did get you the "perfect" thing.

Christmas baking is OFF although i did just make killer gingerbread cookies. Catherine loaned me the moose cookie cutter. Subliminal message: You don't remember that I have that Catherine. ..but that's it! Well, I might make the sweet and spicy pecans by special request.
ON is anything that furthers social justice " ... act justly ... love mercy, and walk humbly with God" This may mean putting in an extra hour or two at Ten Thousand Villages. Knowing that the artisans rely on us for their livelihood inspires my soul. It doesn't hurt that I have retail in my blood and the bribe from the ass't manager sealed the deal.
OFF is too much time on the computer (I broke my '08 New Years Resoution about 5 days after I started it) and a certain networking program HAS been a great way to connect with family and friends. But stay strong, girl! Can you see the time on the microwave??

still ON is sending Christmas cards cause I love to receive them, especially the ones with the what-we've-been-up-to newsletters. I do!
really ON is visits with cherished family and friends cause Love is what it's all about.

ON is Inn from the Cold and reserving quality time with the hubby. ON is going to Y cause I always feel rejuvenated there. ... I think that's the feeling in my hamstring. Rejuvenation. Yeah. That's it. ON is Jazzercise because dancing is definitely spiritual!

Hm...haven't cut out much have I?? Oh well. It wouldn't be Christmas without a little mania, right? Here's hoping that your mania is joyful, sacred and very magical, and "may God jump-start our souls with renewed hope and gratitude." Peace on Earth is indeed possible.

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