Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Falling into Fall

We've had a spectacularly gorgeous summer here in the Canadian Rockies.

Perhaps we'll get a few days of a last hurrah and but Fall is fast approaching. To everything there is a season.

Lately, I've been exploring a contemplative spiritual side, spurred on by a friend's labyrinth experience. http://www.everydaylabyrinth.wordpress.com/ On Monday, we went to walk a labyrinth here in town- an ancient spiritual diagram designed to bring the participant in communion with the sacred. The experience - a new one for me - is very peaceful, centering, calming, unique. Here we were standing right in the middle of a city of a million people and although we could hear the sounds of city life, we were wonderfully removed. As I trailed behind S on the path, I thought. Isn't this what friends are for? Sometimes to be your guide..sometimes to follow your path... not necessarily to always be on the same 'road', but to share your journey, your ups and downs....sometimes just to BE there.

And that brought me into being in gratitude for all the friends and family with whom we were lucky enought to shared time with over the summer. Pondering at La Pensione Pentland.

Hobnobbing with the Higgins Team.

Lounging with Lindbergs and Lenons at a Pizza Party..(see the Vanishing Vinyls post.)

Delta Gamma Dames.

Fun with Foxy Katie Fox.

Meeting in Marietta. (yes... a meeting - obligatory....)

A gaggle of Garrisons. (My cousins who root religiously for Roger Federer.)

Sassy lasses Stampeding.

Muskingum Mavens aka River Rat Residers.

Ta Ta to Tibet Travelers.

Kelso Klan ...oops Clan... at Whetten Wedding.

Lunching with Large Lady (not Carmela - the statue!)

Half a Dozen on Don's Deck.

Munching at Mercato. Fellow Forty-Somethings. (mostly.)

Hugging Hillary Higgins at Hillhurst.

E's eye's on it!
Hanging with the Holdrens.

Get-together with the Goodricks.

Say? Is that Sam y Senora Smith?

Look! It's the Lucky Lebenslust-ers.

Four Females before the Floor was Finished. (see Don's Deck photo)

Jazzercisers at Jacqui's.

Nine Neighbors noshing...(Notice not that it is actually eight.)

Preparing for the Pirate Party on the Plank. ..Arrrr.
Can more fun be had in Canmore? (ok..that's super silly, eh?)

And....Boyz behaving.
Missed seeing mis tres nietos. See ya soon!
Hope to catch up with more family and friends in the Fall. Come on up, y'all!


Anonymous said...

This brought a tear to my eye, Janer

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing what you're up to. You are much more social than we are. Wish we were there. - j.avery

Carrie said...

Looks like a FUN summer! Wish we could just come on up...it's just a hop, skip and jump! Happy Fall! ha...not so much here in Tx.!