Now here's where the IDIOT part comes in: We saw a mind-boggling 19 black bears including 2 different sets of mamas with twin cubs. With the telephoto I got some amazing shots but this one show a truly stupid human trick. The bear did finally charge a bit just to make 'em cream their drawers! ... oooh so close they were to being bear take-out.
"You are Here!" and we have to go where? I was a really good sport until hour 3 1/2 and my toes wanted to belong to a couch potato.
Finally we spotted a series of breaktaking teal-colored lakes and oh yeah...that way-cool canyon waterfall making the whole back-breaking, knee-splitting, toe-crunching experience completely worthwhile... truly... yeah..that's it... for real. And the souvenir photos of all the bear cub, moose, elk, Bighorn sheep, Rocky Mountain goat, more idiot photos, waterfalls, glaciers, lake, and random mountain photos can be viewed upon request.