Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Silver Lining in a Mighty Cloud

Y'all know that Hurricane Ike hit the Texas Gulf Coast with devastating force. Galveston Island is completely trashed and uninhabitable. Houston got a big wallop too. Nearly everyone we know is still without power which in that heat and humidity is NOT at all pleasant. Here's some photos of the damage in our neighborhood. We were extremely fortunate to be spared any house damage but some of our neighbors didn't fare so well. This first photo is of a 100' pine tree that fell from our neighbor's yard across our driveway. This is the other side of that same tree from the other side of our property. It goes from our neighbor's yard all the way to the other property line.
A good Samaritan came by with a chainsaw to free up the road. Does it look like a logging camp?
Our neighbor's Ford Mustang resting comfortably under a giant pine.
This is another neighbor's house smashed in by Ike's fury. The boarded-up windows didn't help. Cost her $2500 just to get the tree removed but everyone is ok.
Our next-door neighbor has published more on http://www.foto.lenfu.com/ in gallery format. While so many folks are dealing with monumental losses, we are feeling mighty blessed that all of our family, friends and doggies are safe and sound. (Next up: Comments tutorial.)


Lenfu said...

It's pretty sad, all the events that have taken place over the course of a week. I never thought it would take this long for Houston to get back on it's feet but here we are.... still without power in many areas, without Gasoline, and still lacking many things at the grocery stores... :D but then again, I don't live in Tornado Alley! Ahaha

Carrie said...

GJ ~ So glad everything is OK! I haven't forgotten your special prize from me! It's still sitting on my bar! I'll get on it! Have a great weekend! 3 degrees? That's insane!!!!

Canadian Mum said...

Y...IKES! Glad you were safe and sound up in Canada where nothin' can get you but beaver fever, or hypothermia...

Sada said...

I am so glad there was no damage for you! My goodness....I saw so many people fare well......trees went the opposite direction!!