Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What are your blessings?

We had a Pet Blessing at church this Sunday. Pets bring such joy and as we learned, part of spirituality is seeing the sacred connectedness between all things. And we saw them all! BIG dogs, small dogs, tall dogs and short dogs, red fish, blue fish, one fish, two fish, and Fox in Socks. (just kidding) How about that sweet squeaking guinea pig, a squawking bird, a striped corn snake, some fraidy cats and even a little boy's super worm. Each one of them and his/her owner was officially blessed and of course we were blessed to have them in our presence. Nobody ate anyone else and only one cat hissed at a guy who used to be a veterinarian. He must still have that office smell on him. The church's 'official' photographer forgot her camera, Doh! but I cajoled this one out of the step-in paparazzi. You can see just a smidge of the organized chaos. [side note: hoping all the pets and people displaced in Texas by Hurricane Ike are finding the strength they need to make it through these trying weeks.]


Hillary said...

BLOG UPDATE...! What a fresh new look for your blog Auntie Jane!

Pet blessing Sunday...! Way too much fun! Next year I am going to make sure I have a pet to bring. (And it won't be a snake...eeekkk!)

Canadian Mum said...

My blessing is having a great husband and three great children AND being part of a GREAT church that has pet blessings! I can't wait to attend on Sept 28th after a three month hiatus living in the Centre of the Universe!!!! AND it will be really great to hug the host blogger and her cheeky husband...

Sada said...

not gonna lie.....what is this????!! Why do you need to bless pets?